Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ Ltd // Waihi North Project Transportation Assessment 27 pavement deterioration over the life of this project (and it is noted that OceanaGold has a similar agreement already in place with HDC related to the existing Project Martha and Baxter Road.). For this project, with consideration to the existing pavement widths, the short period of construction (which will be subject to traffic management plans), the volume of HCV expected and the finite length of the project overall, it is assessed that the existing carriageway width is able to safely cater for this volume of traffic subject to the following recommendations: • Mark a road centreline over full length of road in particular those sections with limited forward visibility i.e. at curves in the alignment; • Design and construct curve seal widening where necessary to ensure the design vehicle is able to negotiate all curves within its lane. • Upgrade the single lane bridge approaches in accordance with the Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings (MOTSAM) for single lane bridge approaches and controls (which will require some minor widening). • Prepare and implement a Construction Management Plan which will include protocols for d rivers on Willows Road to meet (e.g. with respect to speed, queuing and courtesy); • Monitor the pavement performance over the project duration and maintain as necessary (this recommendation is intended to monitor both pavement deterioration due to the heavy vehicle loading and any edge break due to isolated areas of narrow seal width). 7.1.2 Willows Road Extension An extension of Willows Road is proposed from the current end of the two -way section (adjacent the entrance to No. 122 Willows Road) to the proposed site access which comprises a length of approximately 160 m. The first 100 m of this extension is currently formed and sealed to a single lane access standard. Either a turning head will need to be provided at the existing extent of two-lane work, or one added near the proposed access location to enable the public to turn around. It is recommended a minimum 6.0 m sealed width will be adequate for the Willows Road extension on the basis of the mitigation measures outlined for Willows Road in 7.1.1 above. A 6 m width will also generally meet the requirements of the HDC Engineering Manual for the expected volume of traffic. 7.1.3 Site Access/ Layout The location of the proposed site access on Willows Road is indicatively shown on Figure 29 as forming a rightangled intersection with Willows Road. If this arrangement is retained, then the access layout is recommended to be designed and constructed to the HDC Engineer ing Manual requirements for an access but with consideration to the tracking paths of heavy vehicles. However, unless there is an expectation, on completion of the project and closure, that the Willows Road extension will be used by the general public, then the use of the access will be solely for the project, which would allow for the access to be designed as a curve in the alignment i.e. not an intersection as currently proposed, and thereby providing a continuous route for all site traffic. This approach will require further discussion with HDC and will depend on the proposed use of the corridor following closure. 7.2 Willows Road/SH 25 Intersection 7.2.1 Intersection Performance – Capacity The assessed peak hour traffic movements as described in Section 6.1 have been modelled at the intersection of Willows Road and SH25 based on the current intersection layout for the evening peak hour period (around 5pm). The intersection performance has been modelled for the busiest expected traffic generation period whi ch is 2032 as described above with sensitivity checks. Peak hour movements have been assessed based on: • SH25 volumes for the peak evening hour ending 6pm (384 veh/h) factored for growth and seasonally adjusted ; • Site departures (42 veh/h) occurring within 30 min of 5pm and based on all right turns out of Willows Road (conservative in terms of modelling performance). It is expected that at most, less than 10% of site traffic demands will be to and from the north; • Background traffic flows of 6 veh/h and 14 veh/h in the morning and evening respectively, on Willows Road equally directionally split; • All modelling to SIDRA default values unless noted otherwise; and • Morning peak hour site arrivals (for 7am start) modelled with state highway flows ending 8am (conser vative approach in morning period) with 90% modelled as from the south.