Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ // Transportation Assessment - Waihi North Project 26 − Vehicle volumes relative to a baseline for all activities except construction, where the baseline is the surveyed5 traffic flows recorded in the turn count survey in 2019 (adjusted by the expected relative change in workforce projections in comparison to base year). − Traffic forecasts for the construction workers are based on OGNZL forecasts6 • For Kenny Street access: − the MOP4 peak hour movements have been extracted from the OGNZL traffic movement forecasts which show a morning peak of 49 veh/h inbound, and an evening outbound peak of 16 veh/h and 33 veh/h for end 5pm and end 7pm hours respectively. − The movements associated with the WUG workforce (park and ride) the trip generation is based on the workforce using the Kenny Street gate to access parking and the transfer of workforce to Willow Street. 7 Traffic Effects 7.1 Willows Road 7.1.1 Existing Formed Willows Road The current formed two-way section of Willows Road varies in width from 5.5 m to 7.2 m (with the exception of short, isolated sections including the one lane bridge). The HDC Engineering Manual sets out the following requirements for rural roads: • Sealed width of 6 m for roads carrying up to 300 veh/d (with minimum of 5 m subject to approval) • Sealed width of 7 m for roads carrying 300 veh/d to 700 veh/d (with minimum of 6.5 m subject to approval) As depicted in Figure 30, there are four short periods of operation when the expected traffic volume associated with WUG plus base flows will exceed the 300 veh/d threshold occurring around 2023/24, 2027/28, 2032/33 and 2037. Therefore, for the most part7 a road width of 5-6 m width is appropriate in terms of the Engineering Manual. Generally, with the exception of the single lane bridge and the existing Armco culvert crossing, Willows Road has a sealed carriageway width of 5.7 m or greater. However, it is acknowledged that a road carrying a high number of heavy vehicles should desirably be wider to safely and efficiently cater for two -way traffic and the associated tracking paths (minimum width 6.1 m based on 2.5 m legal width plus mirrors and clearance between opposing vehicles of 0.6 m). As described at Section 5.1, the expected number of truck movements over the majority of the project is 10 to 30 veh/d and 5 veh/h peaking at 13 veh/h for a short period over the first year of construction. Where there is frequent use of the access roads by trucks in both directions of travel resulting in trucks passing in opposing lanes, a sealed carriageway width of 7.0 m is generally recommended with a reduced standard to be considered on an isolated basis where speeds are very low. The existing single lane bridge at approximately 110 m from SH25 imposes a constraint and will add some delays in peak times. While a single lane bridge will typically cater for daily traffic volumes around those expected it is acknowledged that the traffic patterns are heavily peaked around the workforce shift times. As the bridge is already signposted (but with little marking) with priority for northbound traffic (away from SH25) there is little c oncern that any queues would form back to SH25. Further the proposed busing of majority of the construction and mine workforce reduces the private vehicle trips associated with the start and end of shifts. Irrespective, it is recommended that the actual performance of traffic flows on the single lane bridge is monitored and if any unacceptable queuing occurs, then additional traffic management considered. While the daily volume of heavy vehicles is not prolonged nor particularly high, over the life of the project there is expected to be over 1000 truckloads delivered to site. This may have an impact of the existing road pavement depending on the age and strength of the existing pavement. There are two mechanisms for addressing potential impacts: either calculate the effect of the proposed truck movements on pavement life in t erms of a financial contribution to HDC or, enter into a maintenance agreement for the road with HDC to cover an appropriate share of 5 And therefore based on similar traffic patterns as for the existing activity 6 And a vehicle occupancy of 1.33 and 90% arrival and departure in peak hours 7 Also acknowledging that the background traffic volumes on Willows Road decrease with distance from SH25