Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ Ltd // Waihi North Project Transportation Assessment 25 Figure 33: Historical and Expected Mine Workforce Figure 33 shows that the workforce is expected to remain of similar magnitude to historical levels (which as shown indicates an historical number of workers in the busiest year was around 470 FTE in 2011), with the maximum workforce of around 500 FTE in all years except years 4 and 5 due to the temporary construction traffic associated with development of the mine. In addition to the traffic movements described above, OGNZL has advised that there will be some additional traffic movements associated with the logging of a small forestry block in the vicinity of the proposed Gladstone Pit. It is understood that the logging is expected to involve around 5 logging trucks per day, 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday, for a maximum of 2 months sometime prior to the mine commencing in 2024. All movements (including associated crew which are understood to be included in the above-described schedules) are expected to utilise the Baxter Road gate as for the other construction traf fic. 6.2.1 Baxter Road Gate Split The following figure, Figure 34 shows the expected proportion of the workforce that will utilise the Baxter Road gate and is based on the data in described in Section 2. The values shown are the expected daily workforce (FTE) totals and show the consented environment (Project Martha) and the incremental workforce for Moresby Avenue and Baxter Road Facilities. Figure 34 Workforce Using Baxter Road Gate During the Project Lifetime 6.3 Expected Trip Generation – Accesses The expected trip generation for WNP at each access has been derived as follows: • For Willows Road access the traffic movements associated with the WUG workforce (including buses associated with the park and ride) is based on vehicle forecasts provided by OGNZL and included at Appendix A and described in Section 6.1 • For Baxter Road access: