Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ Ltd // Waihi North Project Transportation Assessment 23 A schedule of expected traffic movements has been developed by OGNZL for each of the project stages described in Section 4.1 and attached as Appendix A and summarised for the total daily traffic volume in Figure 30. Figure 30: Willows Road WUG Daily Traffic Volume The associated peak daily movements for the project occur when there is an overlap of project phases in the early years (2024) when tunnelling commences during construction (peaking around 332 veh/d) and around 2027/2028 (9 months) when mining commences (peaking around 334 veh/d). The peak hourly movements occur in 2028 when the workforce is near peak (but conversely the heavy truck movements are less than for the daily peak year). The resultant assessed morning peak traffic movement for Willows Road access is 72 veh/h which occurs around the 7am start time and the evening peak hour movement is conservatively 42 veh/h for the road network peak (4pm to 6pm). The vast majority of these movements in the peak periods is expected to be light vehicles associated with workers arrival and departure (92 % in evening peak), whilst all but a few of the heavy vehicle movements are expected between the hours of 9 am to 4pm (i.e. outside of the peak hours of the adjacent road network). Further disaggregation of the expected traffic movements to show the daily volume of heavy commercial vehicles for deliveries (HCV) expected is also shown in Figure 30. The peak of heavy vehicle movements is expected over the first year of the project. For the balance of the project (from 2025), daily truck movements are expected to total less than 50 veh/d spread over the full 7-hour day between 9am and 4 pm (i.e. average around 7 veh/h). The traffic movements associated with the transport of the workforce between the Kenny Street access and the Willows Road facilities have been estimated by OGNZL based on the use of a combination of 12-seater and 20 seater mini-buses for the construction workers and mine workers respectively. A conservative ratio of 10% of the workers are expected to share travel to Kenny Street. In the peak year of construction (2023) this results in a peak parking demand of 118 vehicles and a peak hour movement of 132 veh/h including the bus movements in the morning (7am), and evening (5pm). In peak mining period (2028) generates a similar parking and peak demands except the evening peak of 121 veh/h occurs around change of shift at 7 pm (not 5pm). It is possible that a few of the site deliveries and transport of equipment, particularly in the site development phases, will result in oversize loads. If over-dimension and / or over-weight loads are required, then the transport of these items will be subject to obtaining the necessary permits from Waka Kotahi and the associated traffic management of those loads. This can be considered within a Project Traffic Management Plan (PTMP) which is recommended herein. Some imported material is anticipated for the project development phase such as the importation of the (yet to be confirmed) rock pad liner. For the purpose of this assessment, it has been assumed that all material imports will be sourced from legally established and consented sources of supply and therefore no additional assessment of the transport of those materials is necessary from the point of supply to the state highway network. 6.2 WNP – Moresby Avenue and Baxter Road Facilities The traffic movements associated at the Moresby Avenue and Baxter Road Facilities of the WNP are primarily related to the transportation of the workforce, plus the less frequent delivery of materials and plant. A schedule of expected workforce and traffic movements has been developed by OGNZL for each of the project stages described in Section 4 inclusive of consented activities and extracts are attached as Appendix B. The expected workforce requirements for Moresby Avenue and Baxter Road Facilities (plus Project Martha) are summarised over the life of the project in Figure 31. The key changes in comparison to the consented Project Martha relate to the construction period which as shown in Figure 31 results in a peak workforce in the 2024-2025 period. Figure 32 shows Moresby Avenue and Baxter Road Facilities (plus Project Martha) comparison to the Project Martha consented activity using the updated labour