Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ // Transportation Assessment - Waihi North Project 22 Ore, overburden and tailings associated with the mining activity will be transported within the mine by truck, conveyor or pipeline to and within the existing processing area. All vehicle movements associated with the movement of these materials will occur on internal roads within the mine and will not use the public road network. Changes in traffic movements are expected as a result of: • Increased workforce over the expected life of the WNP- principally the construction period. • The Processing Plant expansion: the expectation is that the workforce numbers associated with the upgraded plant will not materially differ from the current staffing level and an additional 1-2 trucks per week are expected for materials deliveries. • The company office on Moresby Avenue will continue to house administrative staff associated with the mine. • The GOP aspect of the WNP involves open pit mining from development and production through to closing of the pit as a tailing’s storage facility. The pit will be mined over a period of approximately six years and conversion of GOP into a TSF will commence thereafter. The Project Martha (including MOP4 and Rex operations) are already consented and do not require reassessment, but the cumulative effect of these operations has been assessed alongside WNP. All hauling and storing of ore and/or rock will be contained within the site. 5.2.1 Access Staff, contractor and delivery traffic will continue to use the main access point to the site on Baxter Road (located on SH2). It is understood that staff and contractors associated with the MOP4 previously consented activity will access the site at Kenny Street, and all staff and contractors associated with the other project components will use the Baxter Road access. The majority of these vehicle movements are expected to be light vehicles. Other existing secondary access locations as described in Section 2 will be retained and it is understood that activities that utilise these accesses are already consented. The main entrance during construction and operations will be via Baxter Road Gate and the Perimeter Road around TSF1A and 2. 5.2.2 Workforce and Hours of Work The Processing Plant and WTP will operate continuously, as occurs at present. GOP will operate on a 24/7 operation Mon-Sun 7am -7pm with an average of 27 staff on each shift. Operations will include excavation; trucking of ore from the pit to the ROM stockpile and conveying of rock to the existing rock and tailings storage area, and within the pit . Construction activities are expected to involve a single day shift from 7am to 5pm Monday through Friday. 5.2.3 Aggregate Importation The importation of aggregate to the site has been previously consented as part of the Correnso and Project Martha developments. A peak traffic movement (trucks) of up to 8 veh/h and 71 veh/d was anticipated at the time of planning the Correnso workings. The consented Project Martha also includes provision for the use of imported aggregate for use as Cemented Aggregate Fill (CAF) in the Martha underground based on similar traffic movements as for the Correnso project. Both previous consents include specific conditions that cover the importation of aggregate to site on Baxter Road and a copy of the relevant clauses is summarised in Section 4. OGNZL is now not expecting to use imported aggregate for CAF. However, some aggregate importation is expected to be required for construction with the source not yet identified. 6 Expected Traffic Movements Increases in traffic movement will occur at the existing main gates of Baxter Road and Kenny Street (SH25) as well as the proposed entrance to WUG on Willows Road. 6.1 WUG Trip Generation The traffic movements expected to be generated in association with the WUG project are primarily related to the delivery of materials and plant for construction and exploration, and the transporta tion of the workforce. The majority of the mine workforce (that is shift workers associated with construction and mining) will be required to travel to the site by bus from the Kenny Street access adjacent to the Martha Pit. A carpark will be extended within the Martha Pit area to provide a staging facility or “park and ride” between Kenny Street access and WUG site.