Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ Ltd // Waihi North Project Transportation Assessment 21 a range of disciplines, including earthworks, drilling, building, construction, mechanical and electrical trades, engineering and machine operation. Once development of the tunnel can be commenced, work will progress on a 24 hours per day, 7 day s per week basis with a total expected workforce of up to 110 people over a week. In the tunnelling phase three rotating shift crews (12-hour shifts - to provide 24 hour/day, 7-day coverage) will typically each consist of 29 people (1 Crew Day Shift, 1 Crew Night Shift, 1 Crew on Leave). Routine maintenance work will occur on dayshift only. Typically, the dayshift ends between 3.30pm and 5pm whilst the night shift commences at 7 pm. OceanaGold Waihi management, technical support and administration, working nominally day sh ift 5 days per week will include up to 23 people comprising predominantly of management, engineers, geologist and surveyors Mining of ore will continue for a period of between 6- and 10-years following commencement. Underground mining will be carried out 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, including equipment maintenance conducted in the underground workshop. At peak (around year 9), up to 183 shift workers are expected to be employed over a week period. Work on the surface at Willows Road will be restricted to dayshift only, other than unplanned emergency works. Ore transport to the Processing Plant and rock return (following depletion of the Willows Rock Stack) from the NRS and GOP via the WUG portal at the Processing Plant and the tunnel system will continue 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Rostering for the mining and maintenance crews will be on the basis of 12 hours shifts. Routine surface maintenance work will occur on dayshift only with a heavy maintenance bay established underground prior to the commencement of mining. The majority of the mine workforce (that is shift workers associated with construction and mining) will be required to travel to the site by bus from the Kenny Street access adjacent to the Martha Pit. An expanded carpark will be created within the Martha Pit area to provide a staging facility or “park and ride” between Kenny Street access and WUG site. This travel management operation will minimise traffic movements on Willows Road. 5.1.2 Supplies and Consumables Supplies and consumable items will be brought to the site via public roads using conventional vehicles and delivery systems. The workshop will incorporate a store to house adequate quantities of high turnover items. Main consumables will include: • Diesel; • Oils and greases; • Explosives; • Rockbolts and mesh; • Drill bits and steels; • Equipment parts including critical spares; • Poly pipe and fittings; • Ventilation ducting; and • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and safety items 5.2 WNP – Moresby Avenue and Baxter Road Facilities The traffic movements associated at the Moresby Avenue and Baxter Road Facilities of the WNP are primarily related to the transportation of the workforce, plus the less frequent delivery of materials and plant. Moresby Avenue Facilities include the existing administrative office building and carpark. Baxter Road Facilities include the following infrastructure in relation to the WNP: • Processing Plant; • Water Treatment Plant; • GOP and associated infrastructure; • Overland Conveyor and Loadout Station; • MUG and WUG Portals; • NRS and associated infrastructure; and • TSF3 and associated infrastructure