Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ Ltd // Waihi North Project Transportation Assessment 19 To extend the life of the mine, the WNP has been identified to expand the Waihi operation with one new open pit (GOP) and one new underground development (WUG). A full project description is contained in the Assessment of Environmental Effects prepared by Mitchell Daysh Limited (2021). The key elements of the WNP from a transportation perspective are: • A new underground mine, WUG, located approximately 11 km north-west of the current Processing Plant. Site infrastructure supporting the mine will be located on OGNZL-owned farmland located at the end of Willows Road. • The mining of a new open pit (GOP) near the existing Processing Plant and centred over Gladstone Hill. This pit will be converted to a tailings storage facility once mining is complete; • A new tailings storage facility (TSF3) to the east of existing TSF1A; • New rock stack (NRS) at the Northern Stockpile area adjacent to the existing TSF2; • Upgrading of the existing Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and reconsenting of the treated water discharge to the Ohinemuri River; • Modifications to the existing overland and load out conveyors to allow rock loading and conveying to the NRS and return of rock for backfilling; and • Upgrading of the existing Waihi Processing Plant to enable ore processing up to 2.25 million tonnes per annum (MTPA), up from 1.25 MTPA currently. WNP will operate concurrently with the existing consented operations including Project Martha which in turn includes the Martha Underground, Rex Underground and the MOP4. Road access to the WNP mine components will utilise the existing principal mine road access Baxter Road and a new access located on Willows Road. Administration offices on Moresby Avenue will continue to provide support systems and administration. 5.1 WNP - Willows Road Facilities The proposed WUG is situated on farmland at the end of Willows Road. OGNZL is proposing to construct an access tunnel system to undertake mining of the Wharekirauponga resource. An access portal and surface infrastructure to service the construction of the access tunnels and the subsequent mine is to be located on farmland at the end of Willows Road. Access to the site is proposed by way of private roads totalling around 2.5 km in length to be constructed off the end of Willows Road with spur connections to main site infrastructure, including the first aid room/gatehouse, office/change house, workshop and magazine. It is understood these roads will be all weather roads and sealed to a width of 6 m for the main trafficked section, with the balance constructed of gravel. Ore and rock will not be transported on public roads. All ore and rock handling will be undertaken on private roads with the movement of material between WUG and Waihi processing facilities utilising the tunnel connection to the proposed WUG po rtal. Service vehicles will also utilise the connecting tunnels from the WUG portal at the processing plant to access the tunnel system and mining operations as well as general operational access between the mine and the Processing Plant. A 12.2 m wide dual lane haul road constructed of rock base with crushed rock surfacing will run from the portal to the rock storage pads, with an 8 m wide single lane connection to the workshop and wash pad. The project will comprise the following key elements as further described in the Project Description as part of the AEE: • The two tunnel access portals being: − An initial main access portal for tunnelling at Willows Road farm (the Willows Portal) will serve as the only access to the orebody during the exploration phases. Once the interconnecting plant tunnel is established, the Willows Road main access portal will continue to serve as a rock transport route and for transport of personnel, mobile equipment, and consumables in and out of the mine. Rock that is stockpiled at Willows Road during tunnelling will also be transported back into the mine for backfill through this portal; and − A materials handling portal located near the Processing Plant (the WUG Portal), that will be utilised for transport of ore out of the mine and rock back into the mine for stope backfilling. • Establishment of a new Surface Facilities Area (SFA) near the Willows Road portal will be required to support the tunnelling and subsequent mining at Wharekirauponga, including: − Office, crib room and change house; First aid room and gatehouse (remotely monitored); Small service workshop and wash down bay; − Lay down area for storage of tunnelling consumables such as poly pipe, vent bag and rock bolts/mesh; − Development ore, rock (NAF/PAF) and topsoil stockpiles;