Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ // Transportation Assessment - Waihi North Project 10 Figure 14 Hourly Traffic Flows (veh/h) on Baxter Road for week ending 20 January 2019 The data indicates clear peaks each morning of up to approximately 100 to 140 veh/ h. Traffic flows at other times are typically up to 80 veh/h. The busiest hour during this two-week period occurred on the morning of Wednesday 9th January. The data highlights the peak periods of activity which relate to the periods 06:00 to 07:00 and 1 8:00 to 19:00, i.e. at the scheduled change of shift times. 2.10.3 SH2/Baxter Road Intersection A turning movement survey was undertaken on Wednesday 9th January 2019 to identify the numbers and types of vehicles turning into and out of Baxter Road over the course of a day as depicted in Figure 15. As there is negligible other activity which uses Baxter Road, this is assessed as a proxy for vehicle movements associated with mine activity (if not conservative depending on any farm activ ity on the day of survey). OGNZL has also provided gate log data for the number of vehicles which entered the site at the Baxter Road gate every day for the full year in 2018. On the day of the survey there was a total expected workforce of 374 people. The traffic survey and corresponding workforce has been used as the baseline for forecasting future traffic flows factored by the change in workforce expected at the Baxter Road gate. It is noted that the peaks for the surveyed activity occur outside of the peaks on the highway, i.e. earlier in the morning and later in the evening coinciding with the 7 am to 7 pm shift times. Notwithstanding this, the evening peak on the highway is assessed as being the critical period for potential effects at this interse ction based on the SH2 data which shows that the evening peak on the highway is significantly busier than the morning peak. Figure 15: SH2/ Baxter Road Turning Movements for 9 January 2019 (15 min periods)