Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ Ltd // Waihi North Project Transportation Assessment 7 2.6 Baxter Road / State Highway 2 Intersection Baxter Road intersects SH2 approximately 1.2 km south of Waihi town centre within a posted speed zone of 100 km/h. On the opposite side of SH2 approximately 50 m to the south is located Crean Road, also a side road intersecting SH2 forming a staggered T-intersection. Available sight distances from Baxter Road are assessed to exceed 250 m in each direction, meeting the Austroads safe intersection sight distance requirements for a 100 km/h speed environment. The intersection was upgraded in 2019 by Waka Kotahi as part of the safe roads programme. The upgrade included the installation of back-to-back right turn bays for both Baxter Road and Crean Road and a 3.0 m minimum width left-turn lane. The auxiliary lanes allow turning traffic to pull clear of through traffic to make a turn. Figure 10 shows the current form of the intersection. Figure 10 SH2 / Baxter Road Intersection aerial photo facing south 2.7 Barry Road (SH25) Access The principal Martha Pit vehicular access is located on the outside of a horizontal curve on Kenny Street (SH25) where the old Barry Road alignment intersects with Kenny Street. SH25 in the vicinity of the open pit mine access on Barry Road (SH25) is a two-lane urban arterial route with a 50 km/h posted speed limit. A right-turn lane is provided for westbound traffic turning right into the mine. The available sight distance has been assessed at the access based on aerial photography in accordance with the Austroads guidelines and the sight line in both directions is assessed to exceed the recommended requirement for a 50 km/h operating speed (for which 97 m sight distance is recommended). The mine security gate is located approximately 43 m back from the SH25 carriageway. Figure 11 shows the layout of the Martha Pit mine access on SH25.