Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ // Transportation Assessment - Waihi North Project 4 Figure 3: Site Zoning – Annotated Extract of HDP 2.3 Willows Road Willows Road has no specific classification in the HDP road hierarchy, meaning that it is, by inference, a Local Road under the HDP. The dominant function of Willows Road is therefore access to adjoining properties. It is not categorised as a high-volume road, nor does it provide any key network function. Reference has also been made to the One Network Road Classification (ONRC) which is the Waka Kotahi Road classification system previously used to guide funding (but currently being replaced by the One Network Framework - ONF). In the ONRC, SH25 is a Primary Collector, and Willows Road is an Access Road between SH25 and the intersection with Highlands Road and thence a Low Volume local road. Willows Road is a no-exit rural road formed and sealed over approximately 1.3 km. The road provides access to rural properties including the farm which will house the WUG portal and surface infrastructure. Beyond the initial 1.3 km, the paper road corridor continues (unformed) northwards toward the Conservation estate with a farm track following a portion of the unformed alignment. The posted speed limit is 100 km/h, although the geometry and width of the road are unlikely to allow this speed. There are no road markings on Willows Road. Council asset records indicate Willows Road has a nominal sealed width of 5.7 -5.8 m over the first 300 m but incorrectly indicates it reduces to 2.8 m from Highlands Road. Measurement of actual road widths have been undertaken along the full length at key points and the width variation found is detailed in Table 1. With the exception of the single lane bridge approaches and a culvert, based on the spot measurements, a minimum sealed width of 5.7 m is achieved over the full length as far as distance 1.2 km (entrance to the site farm). The last 100 m section (to 1.3 km) has been formed and sealed to a single lane access standard at around 2.8 m wide. A single lane bridge is located approximately 113 m north of SH25 which has a width between kerbs of 3.7 m. The bridge is signed with direction priority at each end with priority to northbound traffic. A second narrow point is localised to a large diameter Armco culvert (around 2.0 -2.5 m diameter) located around 0.37 km where the sealed carriageway is reduced to 5.5 m. SH2 5 Site