Supporting Technical Assessments

Stantec // Oceana Gold NZ // Transportation Assessment – Waihi North Project vii Figure 2 WUG Site Location Plan ............................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3: Site Zoning – Annotated Extract of HDP .................................................................................... 4 Figure 4: Willows Road Facing south showing vegetation on curve around 0.5 km................................... 5 Figure 5: Willow Road – Facing north to end of two-lane section at 1.15 km............................................. 5 Figure 6: SH25/ Willows Road intersection showing sight line to southwest .............................................. 6 Figure 7: SH25/ Willows Road intersection showing sight line to the northeast ......................................... 6 Figure 8 Baxter Road looking West ............................................................................................................ 6 Figure 9 Baxter Road looking East ............................................................................................................. 6 Figure 10 SH2 / Baxter Road Intersection aerial photo facing south .......................................................... 7 Figure 11: SH25 (Kenny Street) Mine Access ............................................................................................ 8 Figure 12: Willows Road 7-day hourly Traffic Profile.................................................................................. 9 Figure 13: Hourly Traffic Flows (veh/h) on Baxter Road for week ending 13 January 2019 ...................... 9 Figure 14 Hourly Traffic Flows (veh/h) on Baxter Road for week ending 20 January 2019 ...................... 10 Figure 15: SH2/ Baxter Road Turning Movements for 9 January 2019 (15 min periods) ......................... 10 Figure 16: Hourly Traffic Flows on SH25 (Average of three 7-day counts) .............................................. 11 Figure 17: SH25 Linear Growth Trend 2004-2019 ................................................................................... 12 Figure 18: Hourly flow distribution on SH2 week ending 27/09/19 ........................................................... 12 Figure 19: SH2 15-year linear growth trend 2004-2019 ........................................................................... 13 Figure 20: SH2 Telemetry Site (West of Waihi) Annual Daily Traffic Flows (2019) .................................. 14 Figure 21: SH25 02500240 East of Gladstone Road ADT 2016- 2021 .................................................... 14 Figure 22: SH2 00200095 South of Crean Road ADT 2016-2019............................................................ 15 Figure 23: Willows Road Search Area and Crash Records ...................................................................... 16 Figure 24 Baxter Road Search Area and Crash Record........................................................................... 16 Figure 25: Kenny Street Access Search Area and Crash Record ............................................................ 16 Figure 26 Mine Workforce 2001 to 2016 .................................................................................................. 17 Figure 27: Average Daily Inbound Traffic at Baxter Road Gate ............................................................... 17 Figure 28 Project Martha Consented Workforce ...................................................................................... 18 Figure 29: Proposed Surface Infrastructure Layout .................................................................................. 20 Figure 30: Willows Road WUG Daily Traffic Volume ................................................................................ 23 Figure 31: Moresby Avenue and Baxter Road Facilities - Workforce Forecasts (including Project Martha) ........................................................................................................................................................ 24 Figure 32: Moresby Avenue and Baxter Road Facilities (including Project Martha) - Workforce in comparison to Project Martha ......................................................................................................... 24 Figure 33: Historical and Expected Mine Workforce ................................................................................. 25 Figure 34 Workforce Using Baxter Road Gate During the Project Lifetime .............................................. 25 Figure 35: Intersection Modelling Sensitivity - up to 200% applied flow scale (pm peak period) ............. 28 Figure 36: Tracking Path of Truck and Trailer at Willows Road / SH25 Intersection ................................ 30 Figure 37: Kenny Street Access PM Peak 2032 Sensitivity Analysis (Flow rate) ..................................... 35