Supporting Technical Assessments

78 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 8.0 Proposed Ecological Management 8.1 Summary of Effects Management Measures We have assessed each of the effects under the effects management hierarchy as set out in Section 4.10. Overall, the effects of the WUG can be avoided, minimised, remedied and any significant residual effects can be offset. By implementing the recommended management measures for each of the potential impacts, described in their respective sections and summarised below, the level of effect can be reduced to Very Low or Low and the potential residual effects are offset (Table 15). Supporting documents relating to Effects Management include: • Ecology and Landscape Management Plan (Boffa Miskell 2022e) • Coromandel Forest Park Kauri Dieback Management Plan (CFP KDMP (Boffa Miskell, 2022d (in preparation)) • Pest Animal Management Plan (Boffa Miskell, 2022c) • OGNZL Wharekirauponga frogs: Potential adverse ecological effects memo (RMA Ecology, 2022) • Proposed consent conditions (Part E of the AEE, (Mitchell Daysh, 2022)). For clarity, we have briefly defined elements of the effects management hierarchy consistent with the definitions provided in EIANZ (Roper-Lindsay et al., 2018). These terms are used in Table 15. 8.2 Avoid As previously described in Sections 6.3 – 6.5, key measures to avoid or minimise ecological effects include: • Implementation of a vent raise site selection process to ‘micro-site’ locations of the vent raises. Works will include species-specific surveys carried out over multiple nights in suitable conditions and activity periods (described in the proposed consent conditions; Part E of the AEE, (Mitchell Daysh, 2022)). Preference will be given to sites with the lowest ecological values, as assessed by the Project Ecologist. Site selection processes with the aim of avoiding mature trees, and habitats occupied by native lizards, frogs, roosting bats and nesting birds include: - Avoiding large tree specimens where possible and minimising ground disturbance and damage to vegetation, no trees with a DBH > 50 cm will be felled; - Avoid sites occupied by native frog species; and establish 6 m no-clearance buffer for Archey’s frog observations; - Avoid native lizard species where possible, and relocate lizard species if required;