Supporting Technical Assessments

May 2018 Project Martha – Historical & Archaeological Background 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY Barber, L. 1985. No Easy Riches: A History of Ohinemuri County, Paeroa and Waihi, 1885-1985. Auckland: Ray Richards Publisher and Ohinemuri County Council. Barr, C. 1997. Archaeological Assessment: Proposed Extension Area, Waihi Gold Waste Disposal Area. Report prepared for Waihi gold Mining Company Ltd. Brathwaite, R.L. and A.B. Christie. 1996. Geology of the Waihi Area: Part Sheets T13 and U13. Scale 1:50 000 (flat map). Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Geological Map 21 Brown, A., Z. Burnett and R. Clough. May 2018. Oceana Gold Project Martha, Waihi: Part 2 Historic Heritage Assessment. Clough & Associates report prepared for Oceana Gold. Climie, N.S. 1962. Waihi Borough Council Diamond Jubilee¸ 1902-1962. Paeroa: Hauraki Plains Gazette. Clough, R., S. Best and R. Hooker. 2004. Union Hill, Waihi: A Heritage Assessment. Clough & Associates report prepared for Newmont Waihi Gold. Clough, R. and S. Macready. 2011. Trio Vent Shaft, Union Hill, Waihi: Archaeological Assessment. Clough & Associates report for Newmont Mining Corporation. Cowan, J. 1955. The New Zealand Wars: A History of the Maori Campaigns and the Pioneering Period: Volume I: 1845–1864. Wellington: Government Printer. Cyclopedia Company Limited. 1902. The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Auckland Provincial District]. Christchurch: The Cyclopedia Company Limited. Edbrooke, S.W. (compiler). 2001. Geology of the Auckland Area. Lower Hutt: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences 1:250,000 Geological Map 3. Gallagher, B. 2011. Conservation and Management Plan for the Grand Junction Mine Refinery and Strongroom, Waihi. Report prepared for Newmont Waihi Gold Ltd. Gallagher, B. and Mish Mish Heritage. November 2017 (draft). Union Hill Historic Area, Site T13/822. Report in fulfilment of a Section 18 Investigation. Archaeological Authority reference 2012/542. Hector, J. 1870. Geological Structure of the Kaimanawa Range. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 3, 1870: 16-17. Heritage NZ. 2006. Writing Archaeological Assessments. Archaeological Guidelines Series No. 2. New Zealand Historic Places Trust Pouhere Taonga (now Heritage NZ). Heritage NZ. 2014. Investigation and Recording of Buildings and Standing Structures. Archaeological Guidelines Series No. 1. Holland, H.E. 1913. The Tragic Story of the Waihi Strike. Wellington: The ‘Worker’ Printery. Hooker, R. 1997. Report on Archaeological/Historical survey of Martha Mine extended Project. Report for Waihi Gold Company. Hooker, R. 2002. Report on Historic Mining Related Structures in or adjacent to the Martha Mine Extended Project (Draft). Report prepared for Waihi Gold Co. Ltd, Waihi. Hooker, R. 2003. Report on Ohinemuri-Waihi Low-Level Water Race: recorded as archaeological site T13/817. An Archsearch Consultancy report prepared for Welcome Gold Mines Ltd & AUAG Resources Ltd. Hooker R.H. 2006 Historic Structures Inspection, Waihi Grand Junction and Union Hill areas, Waihi. Report prepared for Newmont Waihi Gold Ltd, Waihi. Hooker, R. 2007. Archaeological report on investigations at Martha Hill, Waihi. New Zealand Historic Places Trust Authority 2006/132. Report prepared for Waihi Gold Mining Company Ltd. Hooker, R.H. May 2009. Report on Proposed Relocation of Waihi Grand Junction Refinery Building, Waihi. Report prepared for Newmont Waihi Gold Ltd. Hooker, R. 2010a. Report on Investigations Waihi Grand Junction Boiler House, Waihi. Report prepared for Newmont Waihi Gold Ltd.