May 2018 Project Martha – Historical & Archaeological Background 81 Figure 62. Plan of Union Hill underground drives and shafts overlaid on 1996 aerial (source: OGNZL unknown date) Favona Hill Compared to other locations there has been limited archaeological survey of the Favona Hill site, which includes the Favona Old and New Shafts. The low-level water race T13/817 (see below) was recorded in section by Dr Caroline Phillips to the east side of Favona Hill (Phillips 2000), and its route planned by Ray Hooker (Hooker 2003). Silverton Hill, Winner Hill, Gladstone Hill In 2000 a field survey was undertaken by a small team led by Dr Caroline Phillips in advance of drilling expansion by the Gold Mine (Phillips 2000). This survey covered the majority of Gladstone Hill, Winner Hill, Silverton Hill and Union Hill (ibid.). The survey did not identify any archaeological features of Maori origin at these locations, but concluded there was potential for such features to survive on unmodified areas on the high points of Union Hill, Winner Hill, and Gladstone Hill (Figure 63). At Silverton Hill numerous features relating to early mining activities were recorded, including the foundations of a magazine and terraces thought to be related to the Silverton Battery (NZAA T13/819). At Winner Hill a series of shafts, tailings and other features were recorded (NZAA T13/820). The same survey recorded a drive, shafts, concrete features and waste disposal areas on Gladstone Hill (NZAA T13/821). Sites relating to early mining activities were recorded (Figure 64), as well as more recent mining activities (Figure 65).