Supporting Technical Assessments

May 2018 Project Martha – Historical & Archaeological Background 73 Figure 55. Archaeological investigation at Martha Hill by Hooker in 2007 (source: Hooker 2007: 4) Grand Junction Neville Ritchie (Department of Conservation (DOC), Hamilton office) carried out a brief site survey of the Grand Junction mine remains in 1990 as part of an archaeological survey of Waihi and Thames mining areas. Ritchie recorded the Grand Junction battery site as T13/312, including the nearby strong room. A small quarry to the west was given a separate site number, T13/315. Ritchie recorded the Grand Junction boiler and powerhouse as T13/313 and the Grand Junction Refinery building as T13/314 (Hooker 2010a:4). The area was also covered by Hooker in his 1995-1996 survey of the Martha Pit (Hooker 1997). A structure survey of the Grand Junction boiler house and powerhouse ruins was undertaken by Wright and Hooker in 1998 (Wright and Hooker 1998), with features mapped in detail and locations determined by company surveyors. A draft conservation and management plan was prepared by Ray Hooker for the Grand Junction Refinery Building at this time. As part of the Martha Mine Extension Project the Grand Junction mine manager’s house was sold and relocated to Symonds Street in Waihi. The area surrounding the Grand Junction Refinery Building was used as an ore stockpile, burying the foundations of the mine manager’s house. Parts of the Grand Junction powerhouse were impacted by the new eastern noise bund and new perimeter road. Reports on the Grand Junction Boiler House (T13/313) and earthworks monitoring during relocation of the Grand Junction Refinery Building were prepared by Ray Hooker in 2010 (Hooker 2009, 2010a, 2010b). These investigations revealed remains of tramways and water features relating to mining activity and numerous other features and foundations associated with manufacturing processes at the Grand Junction powerhouse site (Figure 57 and Figure 57). The noise bund buried the foundations of other mining