Supporting Technical Assessments

May 2018 Project Martha – Historical & Archaeological Background 68 A certificate of title for the land on which the Moresby Avenue factory stood (Section 92, Town of Waihi) was issued to the Akrad Radio Corporation Ltd in 1976 and then transferred to Philips Electrical Industries of New Zealand in 1984.219 The property was subsequently transferred to Cottbiu Holdings Ltd in 1989, to William and Adrienne Lynch and Martin van der Wetering in 1990, and is currently under the ownership of Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited.220 Building Relocations Due to the increasing instability of the landscape on which certain historic mining buildings remained into the 21st century, relocation was necessary for the Cornish Punphouse/Martha Mine No. 5 Pumphouse (NZAA T13/301) and the Grand Junction Refinery (NZAA T13/314), as well as remnants of the transformer house (T13/302) (Figure 50-Figure 52). Strengthening works in the form of internal bracing were carried out on the Cornish Pumphouse in early 2006 and a causeway constructed of teflon-coated concrete beams. Relocation of the 1840-ton pumphouse began in August 2006 and the building reached its new site, 300 metres away, in November that same year.221 In 2010 work began on moving the Grand Junction Refinery. Relocation of the 180-ton building was achieved using a causeway which allowed the structure to be moved 100 metres to a site within the Pit Rim Walkway. Work was completed in June 2010 and included the relocation of the concrete bullion store (via crane and low loader) to a site near the refinery.222 Poppet Head Replica An 18-metre tall replica poppet head was installed at the junction of Gilmour Road and Seddon Street on 12 December 2000. The structure was funded by a grant from the Waihi Gold Company and constructed from 9-metre long Australian hardwood. A blessing ceremony was held at the site on 30 January 2001 where the poppet head replica was ‘dedicated to the memory of the people who, in the past, have made the town of Waihi what it is today, particularly the miners who worked the underground mines.’223 219 SA20B/651, LINZ. 220 Ibid. 221 ‘The Cornish Pumphouse’, Oceana Gold Waihi Operation website, accessed via: 222 ‘Grand Junction Refinery Building: “On The Move” In 2010’, Oceana Gold Waihi Operation website, accessed via:; ‘The Grand Junction Refinery’, Newmont Mining poster webpage, accessed via: 223 ‘Waihi Streetscape’, Ohinemuri Regional History Journal, 45, September 2001, accessed via: