Supporting Technical Assessments

76 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 7.0 Integrated Landscape and Ecological Response The proposed mitigation for the Project has been developed as an integrated package of complementary measures that encompasses all landscape and ecological management initiatives and enhancements, with the intention that this coordinated effort achieves more than simply the ‘sum of its respective components’. A summary of these initiatives is presented in the Ecology and Landscape Management Plan (Boffa Miskell 2022e), including details of all the assumptions and ratios used to derive the total mitigation package with the intention of an overall Net Gain. In particular, landscape and ecological mitigation and offset responses are combined to create a corridor of vegetation that connects to the Coromandel Forest Park, which will improve the biodiversity value of both existing natural features and vegetation established to address landscape and visual effects. Figure 13 shows areas of revegetation and habitat restoration associated with specific mitigation and offset responses. The integrated mitigation plan will provide: • Ecological and landscape connectivity across and within the Waihi North Project. • Extensive restoration planting and open areas across the Waihi North Project. • Extensive riparian planting along the waterways, to complement the riparian enhancements already carried out by OGNZL (and its predecessors). • Providing recreational opportunities where safe to do so. • Creation of new wetlands, and enhancement of existing wetland areas. • Enhanced habitat for elements of native fauna such as frogs, birds, eels, koura, Cran’s bullies and for wetland birds. • Greater ecological connectivity across the landscape for both resident and transient fauna. • Enhanced viability of Coromandel Forest Park edge vegetation and habitats through buffer planting adjacent to Willows Road Farm. • Extensive pest animal control to benefit native fauna and habitats. We note that while all of the above initiatives will provide some ecological benefit, only initiatives that specifically address ecological effects are considered in the evaluation of proposed effect management measures in Section 8.0.