Supporting Technical Assessments

WAI-985-000-LC-0007 Term Meaning LINZ The Government Land Information Service of New Zealand LoM, LoMP Life of Mine Plan, Plan for the Life of the Mine Mitigation package A collective term used in this report that includes all aspects of the ‘mitigation hierarchy’ MUG OGNZL’s existing Martha Underground Mine NAF Non-Acid Forming: Rock that does not contain elements which may oxidise (weather) to form water soluble compounds capable of forming an acid NRS Northern Rock Stack OBDA Overburden Disposal Area OGNZL Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited PAF Potentially Acid Forming: Rock that contains elements which may oxidise (weather) to form water soluble compounds capable of forming an acid. Plant Access Tunnel A decline connecting the OGNZL Waihi processing plant area with the dual tunnels commencing at ventilation shaft 1 on Willows Farm largely for the transportation of ore and rock to and from the WUG mine. Paper road HDC legal road reserve: a legally-recognised road that is undeveloped or partly formed, but provides public access to a particular area or feature. The paper road for the WNP refers to a corridor that ranges in size from approximately 15 m – 150 m wide within Coromandel Forest Park that is owned by the local authority (HDC). PAMP Pest Animal Management Plan Processing Plant The plant and associated infrastructure required to extract the gold and silver from the ore Project area The area within the proposed project footprint, and immediate surrounds to the extent Project works extend beyond this footprint. RAR Return air raise exhausting ventilation air from the mine.