Supporting Technical Assessments 381_R_04_Rev 0 OGNZL_WUG_Phase1_Conceptual_Mitigation 50 10. REFERENCES 1. GWS - Waihi North Project - Assessment of Groundwater Effects – Tunnel Elements November 2021 (WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0040_RevA) 2. Attachment A Ground Models GHDWKP Exploration Tunnel - Water Assessment Conceptual Geological Model Data Report: August 2020 (125/336/58) 3. Attachment A Ground Models Golder Waihi North Project: Review Of Existing Geological Information For Proposed tunnel From Waihi Polishing Ponds Portal To Willows Road Farm (September 2021) (20148384_7407-012-LR-RevA) 4. Attachment B Tunnel Groundwater Inflow Assessment Unknown Assessment of the two proposed tunnel sections; the dual access tunnels from Willow Farm to the WKP orebody and the ore tunnel from Willow Farm to the Waihi WTP (no ref, no date) 5. Attachment C Willow Farm Site Investigations GHD Willow Farm Hydrogeologic Characterisation August and November 2020 (FHT and Packer, GW and SW quality) (WAI-985000-REP-LC-0012) 6. GWS Tech memo WKP Shallow Groundwater monitoring 30 November 2021 (WAI-985-000MEM-LC-0004_Rev0) 7. GWS Wharekirauponga Deposit Dewatering Assessment of Effects on Groundwater 16 July 2021 (WAI-985-000-REP-LC-0030A) Cover page only 8. GWS Waihi North Project – Assessment of Groundwater Effects – Tunnel Elements 17 November 2021 (as above) 9. GWS Tech memo WKP Dewatering Effects Problem Statement – 20/01/2022 10. GWS A summary of WKP Dewatering Effects 2021 11. Golder Waihi Underground Mine Adaptive management approach to mitigating groundwater ingress (Report)November 2021 (21464271-R-004-RevA) 12. Mitchel Daysh WHAREKIRAUPONGA UNDERGROUND MINE GROUNDWATER [consent] CONDITIONS Memo 11 February 2022 13. Controlled Source Audio-frequency MagnetoTellurics (CSAMT) Waihi District Exploration (Zonge AU?) Presentation (undated) 14. WSP OGL – Wharekirauponga Radon sampling/gauging programme: May 2021 15. GWS Waihi Underground Project (WUG) Summary of Groundwater Assessments and Effects – DRAFT 9 March 2022 (Tech Memo)