Supporting Technical Assessments

77 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean Table 24: Pest management recommendations for the WNP. Pest Management Action Frequency / density Rodents and hedgehogs Protecta Ambush bait stations baited with Bromadiolone, AND DOC200 traps. Although not specifically designed for rats, they do trap rats. Bait with meat (such as rabbit) or egg. • Bait pulse four times per year (Aug, Nov, Jan, Apr). • Fill bait station on day 1, refill on day 5 and day 14, then remove bait at end of week four. • Check DOC200 traps and replace egg/meat fortnightly from Oct – Apr, and monthly from May – Sep. Possums Philproof bait stations baited with brodifacoum possum baits, and/or Timms traps baited with apple or other fruit. • Brodifacoum bait pulse four times per year (Aug, Nov, Jan, Apr). • Fill bait station on day 1, refill on day 5 and day 14, then remove bait at end of week four. • Increase efforts just before and during bird nesting season (Aug-Jan). • Bait stations or traps should be roughly 100 m apart (i.e. one trap per hectare) and placed along the forest margins and within the bush interior. • Baits (e.g. apple, icing sugar) should be replaced regularly (at least fortnightly) to keep fresh and attractive. Mustelids DOC200 traps, baited with meat (such as rabbit) or egg. • Trap spacing should be one trap per 8 – 10 hectares. • Check traps and replace egg/meat fortnightly from Oct – Apr, and monthly from May – Sep. Cats Cage traps or kill traps, baited with fresh meat (e.g. rabbit) • Traps spacing should be roughly 100-200m