Supporting Technical Assessments

73 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean Protocol C: Managing and reporting bat injury or mortality 1) Any living bat(s) found during or after tree removal that are not able to fly away unassisted will be taken to a veterinarian immediately for assessment. Bats will be placed in a clean, cool, dark cotton bag by a competency level D bat ecologist to ensure the animal is handled appropriately. Specific protocols for handling and transporting injured bat(s) as outlined in Borkin (2019) will be followed. Veterinarian contact information: Mikaylie Wilson New Zealand Centre for Conservation Medicine Auckland Zoological Park Gate 2, Motions Road, Western Springs Auckland 1022 Mob. 027 406 1943 2) The Site Manager, Environmental Manager and relevant representatives of DOC and WRC will be notified immediately (or at the earliest opportunity within 24 hours) after an injured or dead bat is found. After Hours – 0800 DOCHOTline (0800 362 468) 3) Any bat that is found dead or injured and subsequently euthanised by a veterinarian will be returned to DOC. 4) Bats assessed by the veterinarian as uninjured will be transported back to site in the cotton bag and placed in an open, temporary artificial roost box suspended within a tree outside of the WNP footprint but as close as possible to the site the animal was found. The roost box will be open to allow the animal to come and go as it chooses and will be placed within the tree prior to dusk on the same day the bat is found. Specific protocols for releasing long-tailed bats are outlined in Borkin (2019). 7.2.5 Bat mitigation Bat mitigation in the form of habitat enhancement measures (e.g. artificial roost provision) will be required where bats are detected within the WNP area. Artificial bat roosts To replace available roosting habitat following vegetation clearance of areas where bats are recorded within theWNP area, artificial bat roost boxes will be installed in habitat suitable for bat roosting within the WNP area, as directed by a bat ecologist. The total number of artificial roost boxes to be installed will be at a rate of one per every 10 ‘High risk’ bat roost tree removed from GOP, NRS or TSF footprints (i.e. bat presence at one of these locations will only necessitate replacement of potential roosts at that location).