Supporting Technical Assessments

70 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean All pre-felling tree assessments, and assessments of acoustic monitoring data and behavioural observations will be made by an appropriately qualified and experienced bat ecologist/s (competency level C2; Table 21). Protocol A: Identification of potential bat roost habitat (trees) All trees to be removed within the WNP area will be visually assessed by a C2 competency level ecologist prior to vegetation clearance and classified as either High risk or Low risk in terms of providing potential bat roost habitat (Table 23). • All ‘Low risk’ trees may be felled at any time, subject to requirements of the other fauna management plans in this EMROP, without the need for further assessment or monitoring for bats (i.e. Protocols 2 and 3 not required), and without the need for a certified bat ecologist to be present. • All ‘High risk’ trees or contiguous groups of ‘High risk’ trees shall be subjected to a pre-felling assessment (see Pre-felling assessments and acoustic monitoring shall be undertaken by an appropriately qualified bat ecologist (Table 21). Table 23: Potential bat roost risk level assignments and associated definitions Risk level Definition Low risk Trees with a Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of ≤ 150 mm. High risk Trees with a DBH of ≥ 150 mm, with one or more of the following features: • Crevices, holes, cavities, cracks and/or fractured limbs that could potentially support a roosting bat(s). • Hollow trunk or branches. • Loose flaking bark or deeply incised bark crevices that could potentially support a roosting bat(s). • Deadwood (including accumulated debris caught in tree forks) or epiphyte communities in the canopy or on the trunk that could potentially support a roosting bat(s). • Evidence of bat droppings, grease marks and/ or urine staining around cavities3 3 Trees with evidence of bat droppings, grease marks and/or staining around cavities will be noted and investigated as ‘High risk’ probable roost trees, regardless of size.