Supporting Technical Assessments

69 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean • Begin one hour before official dusk and end one hour after official dawn • No full moon • Overnight temperatures between 10 – 17 C • Relative humidity > 70 % • Mean overnight wind speed ≤ 20 km/hr • Maximum overnight wind gust of ≤ 60 km/hr • Precipitation ≤ 2.5 mm in the first two hours after dusk 7.2.3 Potential effects on bats (if detected within the Project designation) If bats are detected in the WNP area, it is expected that direct and indirect impacts could occur as a result of the WNP. Potential effects may include: • The loss of foraging and commuting habitat; • Loss of potential roosting habitat; • Injury or death through clearance of occupied roost trees; • Increased edge effects; and • Behavioural changes associated with construction noise, light, and vibration disturbance. 7.2.4 Vegetation (habitat) removal protocols Where bats are confirmed to be present within the WNP area, vegetation (habitat) removal protocols will be implemented to minimise the likelihood of adverse effects on potentially occupied bat roosts during vegetation clearance activities. The protocols have been adapted from the DRAFT Tree Removal Protocols prepared by the Department of Conservation (DOC-5952435 2019; Appendix II). These protocols are under review by the New Zealand Bat Recovery Group and may be subject to alterations or amendments prior to implementation. The following protocols describe the methods to be used to detect roosting activity immediately prior to clearance of vegetation and the procedures to guide the clearance process. There are three protocols that will be used: Protocol A: Identification of potential bat roost habitat (trees); Protocol B: Pre-felling procedures; and Protocol C: Managing and reporting bat injury or mortality.