Supporting Technical Assessments

68 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean Class Key field activity Competency A Acoustic survey and monitoring Setting up Automatic Bat Detector Monitoring Systems(ABMS). B Analysing ABMS Setting up ABMS, and analysing and interpreting results. C1 Identifying bat roosts (shorttailed bats) Finding and identifying short-tailed bat roosts that are either occupied or unoccupied. This competency may also include arborists. C2 Identifying bat roosts (longtailed bats) Finding and identifying long-tailed bat roosts that are either occupied or unoccupied. This competency may also include arborists. D Handling bats Handling bats (in one or more field methods), as outlined in Department of Conservation’s (DOC) best practice manual (DOC, 2012). Pages 58-108 of the Department of Conservation Best Practice Manual of Conservation Techniques for Bats Version 1.0 (Sedgeley & O’Donnell, 2012). 7.2.2 Pre-vegetation clearance bat survey A minimum 3-day bat survey should be undertaken immediately prior to the clearance of vegetation to determine whether bats are present within the immediate vicinity of the proposed works. The survey will be undertaken by an appropriately qualified and experienced bat ecologist (competency levels A & B). The survey will involve the deployment of automatic bat monitor (ABM) units (e.g. AR4s or similar) over a minimum of 3-valid survey nights during optimal weather conditions (Table 22) between October 1st and April 30th only. • If bats are not detected over the 3-night survey period, their absence (temporal or permanent) will be presumed, and vegetation clearance allowed to proceed as scheduled. • If bats are detected, the protocols for specific identification of potential bat roost trees and appropriate felling protocols, outlined in section 7.2.4, should be followed. Table 22: Optimal weather conditions required for bat surveys