Supporting Technical Assessments

67 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean management in instances where potentially suitable habitat such as roost trees are to be removed from the landscape. Bioresearches (2020) concluded that while repeated surveys through the WNP area has not recorded bats, their flight paths may change over time and therefore preclearance surveys for bats should be undertaken as a precautionary management measure. 7.2 PROTOCOLS FOR MANAGING POTENTIL EFFECTS ON BATS Managing the potential effects on bats will be achieved through: 1. Pre-vegetation clearance bat surveys; 2. Vegetation (habitat) removal protocols; and 3. Bat mitigation (where appropriate). These management protocols are outlined in detail below. It is important to note that if bats are detected during the pre-vegetation clearance bat surveys, a Wildlife Act Authority issued by the Department of Conservation (DOC or the Department) will be required to enact bat management protocols. The Wildlife Act Authority will have project specific conditions attached to it, which may necessitate revision of this BMP. It is intended that this BMP be submitted in support of any application for a Wildlife Act Authority for works in a known or suspected bat habitat. 7.2.1 Bat survey and management implementation competencies The Department requires that only suitably certified bat ecologists undertake bat surveys and management. Table 21 sets out the key competencies required for: • Surveying and monitoring bats (Class A & B), • Identifying their roosts (Class C1/ C2), and • Overseeing tree felling in accordance with approved tree removal protocols. Table 21: Department of Conservation bat competency classes