Supporting Technical Assessments

64 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean 6.2.1 Vegetation clearance and pre-clearance nest survey Vegetation clearance should be avoided during the peak bird breeding season (September to December inclusive) as far as practicable, to prevent harm or injury to eggs, chicks, and brooding females. While adult birds could be expected to fly away during vegetation clearance activities, brooding females could be at risk of injury if they remain on the nest until the vegetation begins to fall. Where removal of such vegetation during the peak bird breeding season is unavoidable, a native bird nesting survey may be completed prior to clearance to avoid injury or loss of eggs, chicks, or active nests. The following protocols are recommended: • Nest surveys will be undertaken by a qualified ecologist; • Nest surveys will include inspections for tree cavities (including pine), tree nests and ground nesting species such as New Zealand dotterel, New Zealand pipit and pukeko; • Arborists may be required to assist with nest surveys where trees are too tall or the foliage too dense to accurately determine the presence/ absence of active nests; • Where no active native bird nest(s) are found, the vegetation may be felled within three days of the nest survey. If clearance within this timeframe is not possible, the nesting survey should be repeated to verify the absence of active nests prior to clearance; and • Where an active native bird nest(s) is located, an exclusion perimeter (ca. 10 metres diameter) will be demarcated around the tree or nest, and works shall not breach this cordon until all nestlings have fledged. Vegetation may be removed once the ecologist has confirmed that nesting is complete. 6.2.2 Constraints on noise-, dust-, or light-associated disturbances Avifauna may be disturbed by loud or persistent construction related noise, increased dust and/ or bright and persistent lighting during construction. These disturbances could result in birds vacating the area temporarily but will be most harmful during the breeding season if important nesting habitat is degraded (e.g. dust falling on nests), breeding call activity is affected, or nest failure is induced. To manage these effects the following protocols will be implemented: • Limit construction noise to commence at least one hour after sunrise and cease at least one hour before sunset. • Limit or avoid the use of lighting during the night, or where lighting is deemed necessary, avoid directing light spill onto nearby vegetation or direct light downwards using lighting hoods. • Ensure dust management protocols are in place and are adhered to throughout the life of the WNP.