Supporting Technical Assessments

60 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean Fences will exclude both livestock access and encroachment of other agricultural practices into lizard sensitive areas and ensure that the enhancement plantings establish without disturbance or interferences (e.g. wandering livestock). Fencing must be erected prior to the release of any lizards to avoid habitat disturbance. 5.4.2 Pine tree management Pine trees currently form a canopy over regenerating native vegetation at the proposed lizard relocation site. These pines will be removed, or topped to no more than 5 m tall, poisoned and delimbed. The remaining pole will be left to break down naturally within the site. The removal of the top and limbs will stimulate growth in existing indigenous vegetation while providing habitat for fauna as both standing poles or log fall. Pine tree management shall be undertaken prior to lizard habitat planting and the release of any lizards to avoid habitat disturbance after lizard release. 5.4.3 Supplementary lizard refuges The provision of permanent refuge structures, including but not limited to log piles (including from some topped pine trees), natural debris (e.g. decaying vegetation), and rocks collected during the vegetation clearance activities will be required to supplement the natural refuges already present at the lizard relocation site. Refuge structures will be relocated as directed or by the Project herpetologist(s) into the lizard enhancement areas prior to lizard salvage operation. Salvaged lizards will then be released beneath these refuge structures to provide immediate shelter. 5.4.4 Mammalian pest control Mammalian pest control will target rodents, hedgehogs, mustelids, possums, and feral cats within the lizard relocation and enhancement area. The pest control operation will be established prior to (no less than 3 months before) any lizard release and be maintained (e.g. rebaiting of bait stations and resetting of traps) until mine closure. The pest control provider/operator should submit annual progress reports to WRC, DOC, HDC and the Project herpetologist for review. The data contained within the progress reports will assist analyses alongside the post-release lizard monitoring results to determine whether the level pest suppression is achieving the desired benefits for lizards. The site-wide pest animal control programme is detailed in Section 8 of this report.