Supporting Technical Assessments

54 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean o The body will to be chilled if it can be delivered within 24 hours, frozen if longer than 24 hours to deliver; • Appropriate measures shall be undertaken to minimise further lizard deaths; • Injured lizards found during salvage will be taken to a suitably qualified vet as soon as possible for assessment and treatment. Injured lizards will be kept in an appropriate portable enclosure (i.e. a clean, well-ventilated plastic container) under the direction of the Project herpetologist to ensure the animal is handled appropriately until the lizard(s) can be assessed and treated; • Lizards assessed by the vet or alternative specialist as uninjured, or otherwise in suitable condition for release, will be transported to the relocation site in the portable enclosure and released; and • Euthanasia of an injured lizard shall only be undertaken under direction from DOC. 5.3.5 Lizard salvage timeframe The duration of the pre-clearance live trapping and searches will continue for a period of 5 days of suitable weather (i.e. temperatures above 15C, precipitation-free). However, the following contingency plan has been proposed to ensure that all efforts is made to salvage every lizard. If: A) no lizards have been caught over the 5-day search/ trapping period or the herpetologist has determined that the habitat is no longer suitable to support lizards, the salvage operation will cease, OR B) lizards are still being caught on day 5, searching and trapping will continue until no lizards are captured within a 24-hour period thereafter employing the same search effort. Phase 2 will then follow Phase 1 and will continue until all habitat for lizards has been removed to the satisfaction of the Project herpetologist.