Supporting Technical Assessments

53 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean Figure 11: Machine-assisted searches. Herpetologist supervising the scraping of terrestrial vegetation. 5.3.3 Lizard handling and temporary containment Indigenous lizards will be captured and handled by a DOC-authorised herpetologist only. All lizards will be placed in a temporary containment box(es), which will be filled with vegetation matter and leaf litter and misted with water. Lizards will only be held temporarily for the period of the active searches or trap inspections (i.e. < 2 hr), after which the lizards will be released at the approved relocation site. It is not anticipated that any lizard taxa with threat classifications higher than ‘At Risk’ will be encountered on-site. However, if this were to occur, the individual(s) will be captured and held temporarily in a containment box while the Department of Conservation (Waikato Office) is notified, and further advice and instruction is given to the herpetologist. 5.3.4 Inadvertent lizard injury or death The following steps will be implemented if any injured or dead lizards are found during salvage: • The Project herpetologist will notify DOC at the earliest opportunity within 24 hours after an injured or dead lizard is found; • Any lizard death of ‘Threatened’, ‘At Risk’ species shall be sent to Massey University Wildlife Post-mortem Service for necropsy: