Supporting Technical Assessments

51 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean • All traps shall be checked no more than 24 hourly while active. • All native lizards shall be released at the designated release site immediately upon capture. During trap checks, the Project herpetologist shall hand search all vegetation, logs and debris to capture lizards and to identify important areas that should be targeted for machine searching. Figure 9. Artificial retreat (L); Pitfall trap with AR cover (R). Figure 10. Funnel trap (L); gecko in funnel trap (R). Active Searches Both diurnal (day) and nocturnal (night) searches will be undertaken by a DOC-authorised herpetologist, assisted by other ecologists where required. Refer Table 19 for search effort per location. • During the day, searchers will walk the extent of the project footprint systematically lifting debris (e.g. logs, rocks, and organic and inorganic material), searching through vegetation foliage, thickets and rock piles by hand or with the assistance of tools (e.g. rakes), searching the crowns and skirts of tree ferns, and searching beneath flaking tree bark or within tree cavities to reveal lizards.