Supporting Technical Assessments

45 MITIGATION PLAN: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean 5 LIZARD MANAGEMENT PLAN 5.1 CONTEXT Herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians) comprise a significant component of New Zealand’s terrestrial fauna, and the majority of the herpetofauna (~109 taxa) are represented by lizards (van Winkel et al., 2018). All indigenous lizards are legally protected under the Wildlife Act 1953, and its subsequent amendments, and vegetation and landscape features that provide significant habitat for indigenous lizards are protected by the Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991. In addition, the maintenance and protection of indigenous lizards and their habitats are provided for under Polices 11.1 and 11.2 of the Waikato Regional Policy Statement 2016. Thus, there are statutory requirements for the management of indigenous lizard populations where they or their habitats are threatened by disturbance or land development. 5.1.1 Objectives of Lizard Management Plan The objectives of this Lizard Management Plan (LMP) are to minimise potential adverse effects on native lizards within the proposed footprints (GOP, NRS, TSF3) by way of capturing and relocating any indigenous lizards prior to and during vegetation removal, and providing habitat enhancement and pest control, where appropriate. Further, this LMP aims to achieve the following: • The population of each species of native lizard present on the site at which vegetation clearance is to occur shall be maintained or enhanced, either on the same site of at an appropriate alternative site; and • The habitat(s) that lizards are transferred to (either on site of at an alternative site) will support viable populations for all species present. These objectives will be achieved by: a. Using current best practice to capture native lizards from vegetation in the footprint prior to and during vegetation clearance and relocate any captured individuals to safe and suitable habitats (avoid and minimise mortality of wildlife protected by the Wildlife Act); b. applying recognised surveying and monitoring protocols that are to be followed, using the Department of Conservation’s (DOC) Natural Heritage Management System’s Herpetofauna Inventory & Monitoring Toolbox and / or using new advances in tools and techniques not yet incorporated into the toolbox; c. Meeting requirements of the Wildlife Act (WA 1953) and Resource Management Act (1991). This LMP addresses the following: • A summary of the affected habitat and species covered by the plan; • Capture and relocation procedures; • A summary of the proposed release (and enhancement) sites; • Post works management and monitoring (where required).