Supporting Technical Assessments

41 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean • A kauri dieback phytosanitary kit, consisting of a solution of 2% SteriGENE in clean water, a scrub brush and a kauri dieback hygiene procedure information sheet shall be held at the Management Area, periodically maintained and clearly visible to all personnel who enter the site. This kit must be used anytime persons enter and exit the Management area. A metal parking area shall be provided at the Management Area to prevent vehicles tracking on soil. • Vehicle wash-down zones (wheels, truck/trailor) shall be provided at all access ways into the Management Area. • Vehicle wash-down zones shall be provided and positioned on a concrete or gravel area with good drainage to a sediment retention pond. After mud, soil, and vegetation has been removed by brush and/or rod, the vehicle should be sterilised with a 2% SteriGENE solution. o The vehicle should be as clean as possible before the SteriGENE is applied to allow thorough decontamination. o After the vehicle is cleaned, allow to dry for 1 – 10 minutes, and wash and sterilise tools (brushes and rods) used for vehicle cleaning. o For smaller vehicles, it is sufficient to dry brush off all visible mud, and then take the vehicle through a commercial car wash. o Always undertake a final visual inspection of the vehicles and machinery to ensure there is no remaining soil, mud, or plant material before the vehicle is moved. Vehicles and Heavy Equipment • All vehicles (where possible) and heavy machinery should remain on-site for the duration of all vegetation removal, and earthworks to 2 m deep beneath surface vegetation at the site. • All light vehicles shall remain on metal tracks (not track on to farmland). Operators are responsible for ensuring machinery and vehicles are free of mud and soil on tyres, mud flaps, body, and underbody when entering an area containing kauri and when moving from one area of kauri to another. Interior mats can also be a point of transfer and should be cleaned regularly. Footwear and Equipment • Upon entering and exiting the Management Area, each person must scrub the soles of their footwear with a dry brush to loosen and remove soil, and then spray with a 2% solution of SteriGENE. In addition, footwear should be re-brushed and sprayed when moving between areas of kauri, within the site. • All equipment that may come into contact with plant material or soil must be sanitised upon entry to and exit from the site using the brush and SteriGENE spray method. Equipment should be allowed to dry for at least 2 minutes, but preferably until completely dry, before transportation. • To assist with this, all on-site vehicles in the Management Area must hold a personal phytosanitary kit, including a 500 ml spray bottle of 2% SteriGENE solution and a scrubbing brush in a sealed plastic bag. At all site entries / sign in points, a scrubbing bush, 4 L jerry can