Supporting Technical Assessments

40 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean 1. At native plantings that support kauri trees: Prior to any works occurring, a minimum of four soil samples (1-1.5kg) shall be collected from the base of the kauri tree, at 100 cm distance from around the base of the tree. a. At GOP: Choose 1 tree (if present) b. At NRS: choose three trees. c. At TSF3: Choose one tree. Plant and Food Research, Landcare Research and Scion are all able to undertake analysis of soil samples. Soil Sample Collection method (4 samples per tree): Remove leaves and other plant material that has not broken down from a small area of ground. Using a trowel or planting spade (cleaned between site samples) take a volume of soil (about 1-2 cups) from each of four points around the base of the selected tree, approximately 10 – 100 cm from the base and another four further out towards the drip line of the crown. Penetrate to about 100 mm deep. Put all 8 soil samples into one zip lock bag. The total amount should be 1-1.5 kg. Clearly label the bag with location / plot number / sample number. A duplicate second label, written on waterproof paper is to be inserted into the bag (in case ink runs off bag in transit). Important: ALWAYS Clean trowel before sampling another tree: ensure all solid is removed and spray with 2% SteriGENE solution. Bags of soil will be placed into a chilly bin and all soil samples stored in a refrigerator until dispatch to the assigned laboratory. If samples return positive results, the measures outlined in the following sections will be implemented to manage the symptoms and prevent spread. 3.2.4 Kauri Hygiene Protocols for contaminated Zones (PA Management Areas) The following protocols must be complied with during all vegetation removal and earthworks within PA-contaminated areas where PA is detected from testing (PA Management Areas, being contaminated vegetation and associated surface soils at GOP, NRS or TSF3). Planning Considerations • The PA Management Area shall be clearly demarcated on the ground by the Project Manager with the Project arborist or ecologist. Demarcation shall provide signage alerting all visitors and workers that the area is a PA Management area. • Signage instructing all visitors and workers entering the Management Area to sanitise footwear and equipment that has or may come into contact with soil or vegetation should be visible at all times.