Supporting Technical Assessments

35 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean 2.8 PLANT MAINTENANCE • Plants will be maintained annually from pioneer planting for at least five years (Table 16) following completion of enrichment planting. • If the survival rate has not met a minimum of 90% of the original density and species, with an 80% canopy closure by the fifth year, then maintenance shall continue until these conditions have been met. • Plant maintenance will include regular releasing of plants from weeds and replacement of plants that do not survive. Ongoing maintenance is important to ensure plant survivorship, and native plant dominance and density. Plants will need to be released from weeds, and any that have died will need to be replaced. The ideal maintenance frequency decreases over time, over a five-year period (Table 16). Further details regarding weed management can be found in Section 4. Table 16: Maintenance schedule for all plantings Year 1 2 3 4 5 Number of maintenance visits 4 2 1 1 1 2.9 OFFSET MONITORING Offset monitoring is required to determine the success of the modelled offset outcomes, within the set time frame. Monitoring will confirm if the attributes are being met, and ensure a response for further planting/enhancement/management, should the attributes not be met. Outcome monitoring for offset shall include: • Monitoring to occur once every five years, commencing five years after the canopy species have been planted and continue for at least 20 years (note- separate from plant maintenance). At 20 years, if all attributes have been met, monitoring may cease. If attributes are yet to be met, annual monitoring to continue until they are. • Monitoring is to be completed by a suitably experienced ecologist. • Vegetation monitoring within 20m x 20m plots o Four plots within enhancement planting, three plots within revegetation planting (one in each of main planting areas). Final locations to be determined during first monitoring period once access is confirmed. GPS coordinates and/or permanent marks to establish boundaries. o Identifiy all shrub and tree species at the canopy and understorey levels. o Record percentage canopy cover.