Supporting Technical Assessments

34 MITIGATION PLAN: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean Table 14. Planting schedule for buffered area around edge of TSF3. Flowering and fruiting times are indicated on the right (Yellow = flowers; orange = fruits and flowers; pink = fruits). Species Common Name Spacing (m) Abundance (%) Size Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Piper excelsum Kawakawa 1.5 20 PB2 Corokia cotoneaster Korokio 1.5 10 PB2 Coprosma autumnalis Kanono 1.5 10 PB2 Leptospermum scopariam Mānuka 1.5 25 PB2 Leucopogon fasciculatus Mingimingi 1.5 20 PB2 Phormium cookianum hookeri Wharariki 1.5 15 PB2 Table 15. Planting schedule for lizard enhancement and offset areas. Flowering and fruiting times are indicated on the right (Yellow = flowers; orange = fruits and flowers; pink = fruits). Species Common Name Spacing (m) Abundance (%) Size Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Phormium tenax Harakeke 1.4 10 PB2 Muehlenbeckia complexa Pōhuehue 1.4 55 PB2 Austroderia toetoe Toetoe 1.4 10 PB2 Leucopogon fasciculatus Mingimingi 1.4 10 PB2 Metrosideros excelsa Pōhutukawa 20 5 PB25 Cordyline australis Tī kōuka 1.4 10 PB2