Supporting Technical Assessments

31 MITIGATION PLAN: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean 2.7.12 Plant Schedules Table 11. Planting schedule for 17 revegetation and replacement pioneer species. Flowering and fruiting times are indicated on the right (Yellow = flowers; orange = fruits and flowers; pink = fruits). Species Common Name Spacing (m) Abundance (%) Size Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Alectryon excelsus Tītoki 5 5 PB2 Aristotelia serrata Makomako 1.5 5 PB2 Coprosma arborea Māmāngi 1.5 4 PB2 Coprosma robusta karamū 1.5 5 PB2 Hedycarya arborea Porokaiwhiri 5 5 PB2 Hoheria populnea Houhere 1.5 5 PB2 Knightia excelsa Rewarewa 1.5 7 PB2 Kunzea robusta Kānuka 1.5 15 PB2 Melicytus ramiflorus Māhoe 1.5 7 PB2 Myrsine australis Māpou 1.5 5 PB2 Piper excelsum Kawakawa 1.5 7 PB2 Pittosporum crassifolium Horoeka 1.5 4 PB2 Plagianthus regius Mānātu 1.5 5 PB2 Podocarpus totara Tōtara 5 4 PB2 Pseudopanax arboreus Whauwhaupaku 1.5 5 PB2 Sophora fulvida kōwhai 1.5 7 PB2 Weinmannia racemosa Kamahi 1.5 5 PB2