Supporting Technical Assessments

EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean This Plan follows the spacing recommendations from Waikato Regional Council, with spacing of 1.5 m between pioneer plants / small trees to achieve rapid canopy closure, and 5 m spacing between enrichment and future canopy species. Species compositions should be set out by an experienced practitioner to ensure: • Podocarps are generally planted on higher slopes. • Broadleaved enrichment species are generally planted on lower or flatter topography. 2.7.11 Planting timeframes Planting timeframes are provided in Table 10below to ensure that plantings associated with offset and SNA edge buffer are prioritised following removal of SNA vegetation, and that replacement plantings are undertaken in such order so that the duration of the loss of planted areas is consistent with a ‘temporary’ effect (i.e. plantings are less than 25 years old at replacement, Roper-Lyndsay et al. 2018). Table 10. Timeframes for restoration planting to deliver mitigation, replacement and offset planting activities. Affected Area Area to plant (ha) Planting type Timing Lizard / moko skink habitat Enhancement 2.34 Pine tree management (remove or top, poison & delimb) Prior to any vegetation removal at GOP, NRS, TSF3. Lizard / moko skink habitat planting 1.7 Offset planting Lizard habitat planting to be undertaken in first planting season following SNA vegetation removal at TSF3 TSF3: SNA Offset planting 16.2 Offset Pioneer planting complete by end of first planting season following SNA vegetation removal at TSF3 TSF3: SNA Enhancement (pine management & planting) 20 (Pine tree management (remove or top, poison & delimb) and replacement plant Enrichment planting complete by end of first planting season following vegetation removal at Western Fragment, TSF3 TSF3: Buffer (SNA 166) 1 Buffer (5 m wide) Planting complete by end of first planting season following SNA vegetation removal at TSF3 TSF3: Replacement 0.6 Replacement As removed: pioneer planting complete over planting season following removal NRS: Replacement 9.1 Replacement As removed: pioneer planting complete over planting season following removal GOP: Replacement 6.5 Replacement As removed: pioneer planting complete over planting season following removal