Supporting Technical Assessments

EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean captured in the proposed actions. Further, the direction of resources to provide such management (removal, replant, monitoring and maintenance) may not be a priority to stakeholders, given that the existing values within the SNA are not high. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the large areas of pine-dominant vegetation will continue to spread over time and continue to reduce the ecological integrity of the SNA if pines are not removed and/or managed. The restoration planting and vegetation enhancement is proposed to be undertaken within the site adjacent to the remaining SNA to decrease the overall edge effects and increase ecological connectivity (Figure 5). It is also proposed that legal protection (or vesting) and ongoing pest and weed control for all SNA vegetation and new plantings within the site is undertaken. The offsetting sites for revegetation are located directly adjacent to SNA 166 where there is space to do so, while the enhancement sites are located within the SNA. The revegetation sites (Figure 5) are currently predominantly bare grazing land with a small number of mature specimen trees. They currently present limited value as vegetation, avifauna or lizard habitat.