Supporting Technical Assessments

EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean Table 6: Explanation table for BOAM for SNA 166 Broadleaved scrub: Rewarewa component. Refer BOAM, Table 3 Biodiversity attribute Benchmark and justification Impact value Action and confidence Biodiversity value by 20 years Justification for confidence (References / data) Attribute Net Biodiversity Value Indigenous Canopy height (m) 15 m Height of typical VS5 canopy species more or less (generally pioneer trees and shrubs, e.g. kānuka- 18m, mahoe- 15m, mapou- 6m; kowhai- 20m). At maximum height, VS5 could be expected to be transitioning to a mature forest type. 15m Measured from recce plots: rewarewa dominant plots Revegetation 8 ha Confidence >90% 6m Within the parameters of measured trees from four 20 x 20 m plots of 20-year-old restoration plantings in the Auckland Region, as well as 20 year- old plantings around the Waihi North Project. Well-established approach to revegetation with known success over numerous projects. -1.91 Indigenous Canopy cover (%) 85% The benchmark of at least 85% canopy cover considers best case scenario whereby colonising weeds will be shaded out between plantings. 60% Measured from recce plots (note barberry and pampas still present in some plots). Revegetation 8 ha Confidence >90% 85% Canopy closure expected as a standard within 5 years of maintenance. Expected of canopy to consist of primarily pioneer species Well-established approach to revegetation with known success over numerous projects. Time to endpoint reduced to 15 years 2.36 Indigenous canopy species richness (count) 15 Up to 15 native canopy species could be expected in VS5 scrub / forest, based on reviews (e.g. Singers et al. 2017). 3 Measured from 20m x 20m RECCE plots within rewarewadominant vegetation. Revegetation 8 ha Confidence >90% 8 Expected with maintenance of planted species. Planting schedule includes 17 species, most of which could be expected to have a canopy presence at 15 years. 1.9 Indigenous understorey species richness (count) 25 Ref Jennifer Shanks, expert opinion for VS5 vegetation type (future WF11 type). 12 Measured from 20m x 20m RECCE plots rewarewa-dominant vegetation within TSF3 Revegetation 8 ha Confidence >90% 20 Expected with maintenance of planted species. Planting schedule includes 17 pioneer species as well as 15 enrichment species to be planted after 5 years. Some colonisation through bird and wind dispersal also expected (e.g. Sullivan et al. 2005). 1.66 Diversity of native avifauna (count) 15 spp Five additional native species, to those observed within the WNP area, could be expected for a VS5 scrub / forest benchmark in the Waihi area, given consideration of species that may have potential to colonise from the Coromandel and Kaimai Ranges (e.g. tomtit, whitehead, kereru, falcon & bellbird) 10 spp Maximum total native species diversity recorded from site visits to SNA166 and 5 MBCs Revegetation 8 ha Confidence 75-90% 12 species (increase 2 spp) Bellbird and kereru have been recorded in the surrounding landscape but not from SNA 166. These species will be expected within 20 years. Bellbird and kereru have been recorded in the surrounding landscape but not from SNA 166. Food plants have been provided for in the planting schedule. It is anticipated that these species be become regular visitors by 20 years, resident thereafter. 0.52