Supporting Technical Assessments

EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean 2.3 BIODIVERSITY OFFSET FOR VEGETATION REMOVAL AT SNA 166 AND WESTERN FRAGMENT The affected vegetation within the southern fragment of SNA 166 consists of 8.2 ha mixed rewarewa forest with pines, and treefern dominant scrub. There are three smaller (non-SNA) fragments south and east of the southern SNA fragment that will also be affected. These are: Western Fragment, Eastern Fragment and Southern Planted Fragment (Figure 4). While none of these smaller fragments are protected, the Western Fragment supports similar vegetation values to the higher value parts of SNA 166, and therefore its values are incorporated into the proposed offset. Vegetation that comprises the Eastern Fragment and Southern Planted Fragment will be replaced in accordance with details of Section 2.2. Fauna Management is addressed in Sections 5 and 6. This Section details the Biodiversity Offset Accounting Model (BOAM). Figure 4. Areas of vegetation at TSF that will be affected by the WNP 2.3.1 Suitability of SNA 166 and Western Fragment for Offset The vegetation and habitats of SNA 166 and the adjacent Western Fragment, where they occur within the footprint of TSF3 are suitable for using the Department of Conservation’s (DOC) Biodiversity Offset Accounting Model (BOAM) because the existing values represent components of young, regenerating, simple systems (Bioresearches 2022). The key attributes of these systems can be described in terms of vegetation height, structure and diversity (canopy and understorey levels) and the diversity of indigenous avifauna these support as habitat.