Supporting Technical Assessments

EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean 2 ECOLOGICAL MITIGATION, RESTORATION AND OFFSET PLAN 2.1 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF PLAN This Ecological Mitigation, Restoration and Offset Plan (EMROP) has been prepared to identify how the WNP will address actual and potential adverse effects resulting from the loss of vegetation and habitats through strategic revegetation, enhancement and fauna management. Specifically, the EMROP sets out procedures for how OGNZL will minimise, remediate and offset adverse effects associated with vegetation removal, including: 1. Up to 18.7 ha (minimum of 16.2 ha) of replacement planting for not-protected planted vegetation (including pine) that will be removed; 2. 16.5 ha of new planting adjacent to, and in the wider landscape of the SNA to offset loss of 8.2 ha of SNA vegetation; 3. 20 ha of enhancement actions within pine-dominant areas of SNA 166 to offset loss of 1.2 ha of non-SNA native vegetation; 4. Full planting schedule comprising species diversity, plant grade and spacing, provision of flower and fruit resources for birds; 5. Monitoring and maintenance of offset outcomes; 6. Legal protection of all replanted areas. 7. Fauna management Plans for lizards, birds and long-tailed bats 2.2 REPLACEMENT PLANTING FOR PLANTED VEGETATION A total of 18.7 ha has been identified for replacement planting, of which, a minimum of 16.2 ha will be planted at 10 locations throughout the WNP (Figure 3). The area available for replacement planting (18.7 ha) exceeds the quantum that will actually be removed (16.2 ha, including all vegetation (planted and naturally occurring) at Gladstone Open Pit, 6.5 ha; Northern Rock Stack, 9.1; and 0.6 ha of lwo value vegetation at TSF3) ), to ensure that the various areas of planting have long-term ecological integrity through size and shape, and the connectivity that they will provide. The plantings will therefore also contribute to the WNP’s overall Net Environmental Gain. The locations of the plantings have been identified in general proximity to areas of loss (GOP: 1, 2, 3; NRS: 4, 5) but also provide for and enhance ecological connectivity (areas 1, 2 & 3; 7 & 8) and provide ecological buffers to existing ecological values (area 1 buffers vegetation at Union Hill; areas 4 & 5 provide increased buffer to Ohinemuri River riparian plantings; areas 6, 7 & 8 provide some buffer for Ngatikoi Domain and Ohinemuri River).