Supporting Technical Assessments

10 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean Table 1: Summary of vegetation removal, values and effects within the WNP (Waihi area). Location Vegetation type Ecological Value Level of effect (without mitigation) Estimated area of removal (ha) Proposed mitigation or offset Level of Effect (with mitigation or offset) Gladstone Open Pit Planted native Moderate Very Low 1.0 1. Replacement planting. 2. Timing of vegetation removal to avoid the main bird breeding season (or preclearance nesting surveys). 3. Implementation of a lizard management plan. 4. Adoption of bat treefelling protocol. Temporary Naturally occurring native Low Very Low 0.4 Temporary Pine Very Low Very low 5.1 Temporary Total proposed vegetation removal at GOP 6.5 Northern Rock Stack Planted native Low Very Low 8.1 1. Replacement planting. 2. Timing of vegetation removal to avoid the main bird breeding season (or preclearance nesting surveys). 3. Implementation of a lizard management plan. 4. Adoption of bat treefelling protocol. Temporary Pine Low Very Low 1 Temporary Total proposed vegetation removal at NRS 9.1 Tailings Storage Facility 3 Naturally occurring native (SNA) Moderate Moderate 8.3 1. Mitigation / offset planting. 2. SNA enhancement of restoration of pine areas. 3. Timing of vegetation removal to avoid the main bird breeding season (or preclearance nesting surveys). 4. Implementation of a lizard management plan. Net Gain (Biodiversity Offset) Naturally occurring native (nonSNA Western Fragment) Low Very Low 1.2 Net Gain (Biodiversity Offset) Naturally occurring native (nonSNA Eastern Fragment) Low Very low 0.3 1. Replacement planting. 2. Timing of vegetation removal to avoid the main bird breeding season (or preclearance nesting surveys). 3. Implementation of a lizard management plan. Temporary Southern Planted Fragment Low Very Low 0.3 Temporary Total proposed vegetation removal at TSF3 10.1