www.valenza-engineering.com 381_R_04_Rev 0 OGNZL_WUG_Phase1_Conceptual_Mitigation 41 • A suite of conditions which detail how OGNZL must manage its operation to achieve the ‘no measurable effect’ compliance limits based on the concepts outlined in this Phase1 report which specify firm process requirements which must be followed; • Requirements for certification and development of a Mine Area Groundwater Management Strategy, Rehabilitation and Closure Plan and associated TARPs (covering the exploration, predevelopment, operational, closure and post-closure phases); • Implementation of exploratory and operational monitoring, testing and mitigation measures program to detail requirements for life of mine monitoring to confirm compliance with the ‘no measurable effects’ consent limits, and to identify how the surrounding hydrology is responding to the dewatering activity; • Periodic and annual reporting requirements; • Conditions which specify the key closure requirements necessary to ensure long term effects on groundwater and surface water are acceptable; and • Conditions requiring the establishment of a peer review panel and its input at key times during the term of the consent. 7.2. GROUNDWATER CONTROL STRATEGY DATA ACQUISITION The analysis of mitigation factors of potential surface water and groundwater impacts for the WUG project will be completed using industry best practice frameworks and will adopt principles described in the Observational Method (OM) and Australian groundwater modelling guidelines (AGMG). The groundwater experts assisting OGNZL suggest an immediate program for further data acquisition with the objective of understanding inter-connectivity of the system and therefore potential impact of the mining operation. The approach proposed addresses the knowledge gap, with the acquisition of additional baseline information, the definition of key parameters such as vertical hydraulic gradients and the introduction of induced/natural stress tests furthering the current understanding on aquifer connectivity and parameters. The additional drilling and monitoring program with the corresponding work sequence aims to close the following key data gaps: • Surface water/groundwater interactions (near-stream data acquisition) • Shallow groundwater system characterisation (aquifer connectivity) • Bedrock aquifer properties (host rock/veins bulk properties)