7 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean The main values of planted areas associated with the proposed GOP and NRS are determined in part by ecological context whereby some of those areas provide buffer services to other ecological values, such as freshwater systems, or where they support ‘High Value’ copper skinks. The removal of planted vegetation within the WNP (Waihi area) will result in very low-level effects and is a permitted activity under the Hauraki District Plan (HDP). However, OGNZL intends for the WNP to achieve an overall net gain following mitigation and offset actions, and therefore the values of these plantings are provided for within this EMROP. Despite being low level, OGNZL will also offset the effects of the loss of SNA vegetation (through enhancement and revegetation efforts that improve its integrity (enrichment, weed and pest control, connectivity etc)) and through dense buffer planting to strengthen its edges. The removal of vegetation and construction activities associated with the WNP are expected to result in direct and indirect adverse effects on the ecological values, which the provisions outlined in this Plan will offset to a net environmental gain. Expected direct effects include: • Vegetation and habitat loss through vegetation removal and earthworks; • The creation of habitat edge effects, altering the composition and health of adjacent vegetation (i.e. habitat degradation), which may affect habitat suitability for flora and fauna; • Direct mortality or injury to less mobile biodiversity (eggs and unfledged chicks of native birds, lizards) during vegetation clearance or earthworks activities; • Low-level habitat fragmentation and isolation, largely associated with the loss of planted habitats. Potential indirect effects may include: • Edge effects at newly created edges (weed incursion, light & desiccation to habitats) • Indirect damage to tree root networks that may reduce the long-term health of adjacent trees; • Displacement of native fauna (reduced resources, competitive exclusion, increased susceptibility to predation); • Construction related noise, vibration and dust effects. 1.3 MITIGATION AND MANAGEMENT The loss of the areas of native vegetation proposed within the WNP (Waihi area) will result in very low to moderate levels of effects (Bioresearches 2022). These effects will be minimised through fauna management and buffer planting, and reduced to temporary (medium to long term) in parts of the