Supporting Technical Assessments

5 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean and bats. It also addresses the management and monitoring of pests (weeds and exotic mammals) and plant pathogens. 1.1 SITE OVERVIEW The existing environment within which the proposed activities will occur is a modified rural landscape and comprises property blocks held by OGNZL and other private landowners around the operation. Vegetation cover within the WNP project area includes pasture, exotic forestry, exotic and native scrub, and 10– 30-year-old native plantings undertaken through time by the operation (not for mitigation purposes). Two Hauraki District Plan-recognised Significant Natural Areas (SNA) are in the immediate landscape (Figure 2); SNA 165, (Ngatikoi Domain) and SNA 166 (two separate fragments Northeast of the current tailings storage facility (TSF)). There are three areas under applications for resource consents. The three main components of the WNP (Waihi area) are shown in Figure 1 and comprise GOP; NRS; Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF3). Figure 1. WNP components; GOP, NRS and TSF 3