Supporting Technical Assessments

4 EMROP: Waihi North Project WAI-985-000-PLN-LC-0001_Rev0 clean 1 INTRODUCTION OceanaGold (New Zealand) Ltd (OGNZL) is proposing the Waihi North Project (WNP, the Project) to extend the life of its Waihi operation. WNP (Waihi area) will comprise three components, being: 1. a new open pit at Gladstone (Gladstone Open Pit, GOP), 2. an expansion of the Northern Rock Stack (NRS) and 3. a new tailings storage facility (Tailings Storage Facility 3, TSF3). Modifications are also proposed to the existing processing plant, but as these will occur within the existing processing plant footprint and a small area of pastoral farmland to its west, the potential effects associated with this component are not considered. A further component of the WNP, at Wharekirauponga, Coromandel, is also proposed (Waihi North, Coromandel). This component is subject to separate ecological assessment and effects management reporting. The potential effects of the proposed Wharekirauponga Underground Mine are therefore not considered in this document. The activities associated with the WNP (Waihi area) are expected to have direct and indirect effects on ecological values at each of the three components of the WNP (Waihi area). Where adverse effects on ecological values are expected to incur ‘Moderate’ or ‘High’ ‘Level of Effects’ as a result of a project, actions are considered necessary to minimise and mitigate them (Roper-Lindsay et al., 2018). Within the WNP (Waihi area) expected effects on terrestrial ecology, including loss of vegetation and habitats, are generally considered to be no more than ‘Low’ (wetlands and watercourses are addressed in a separate report), except at TSF3 where vegetation and habitat removal will result in a moderate level effect. Most of the vegetation and habitats that are expected to be affected are planted compositions (Bioresearches 2022). While ‘Low’ and ‘Very Low’ level effects are generally considered to be minor, efforts to minimise construction and operational effects should be exercised (Roper-Lindsay et al., 2018). Further, statutory responsibilities require protection of ‘Significant Natural Areas’ (RMA, 1991). The purpose of this report is to detail measures that will be undertaken to mitigate and offset the effects on terrestrial ecology values within the three Waihi components of the WNP, in order to demonstrate an overall Net positive outcome for ecological values. This Ecology Mitigation, Restoration and Offset Plan (EMROP) encompasses a suite of management plans that outline how the WNP will address potential adverse effects on ecological values of the terrestrial environment within the footprint. This EMROP focusses on terrestrial biodiversity and sets out procedures to avoid, minimise, offset, and compensate for adverse effects on vegetation, lizards,