Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 81 Singers, N.J.D., Osborne, B., Lovegrove, T., Jamieson, A., Boow, J., Hill, K., Andrews, J., Hill, S., Webb, C. (2017). Indigenous terrestrial and wetland ecosystems of Auckland. Auckland Council. Van Winkel, D.; Baling, M.; Hitchmough, R. 2018. Reptiles and Amphibians of New Zealand. A field guide. Auckland University Press. Auckland. Waikato Regional Council 2016. The Waikato Regional Policy Statement 2016. Updated 19 December 2018. Waikato Regional Council 2011. (accessed 08/08/2019) Walker, S.; Cieraad, E.; Grove, P.; Lloyd, K.; Myers, S.; Park, T.; Porteous, T. 2007. Guide for users of the Threatened Environment Classification (Ver 1.1, August 2007). Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd. pp 35. Whitaker T. 1994. Survey methods for lizards. Ecological Management. 2:8–16 Wilson D.J., Mulvey R.L. and Clark R.D. 2007. Sampling skinks and geckos in artificial cover objects in a dry mixed grassland-shrubland with mammalian predator control. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 31 (2): 169185.