Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 80 Hauraki District Plan 2014. Section 6.2. Indigenous Biodiversity and Significant Natural Areas. Hauraki District Council, September 2014. 25 pp. Hitchmough, R.; Barr, B.; Knox, C.; Lettink, M.; Monks, J.; Pattreson, G.; Reardon, J.; van Winkel, D.; Rolfe, J.; Michel, P. 2021. Conservation status of New Zealand reptiles, 2021. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 35. Department of Conservation, Wellington. Hurst, J.M., Allen, R.B. 2007. The recce method for describing New Zealand vegetation – expanded manual. Landcare Research, Lincoln. Pp. 1 -61. New Zealand Government 2014. Guidance on Good Practice Biodiversity Offsetting in New Zealand. New Zealand Government, Wellington. Kessels et al. 2010. Significant Natural Areas of the Hauraki District. Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems. Prepared for Environment Waikato. 74 pp. Lettink. M. 2012. Artificial Retreats. Version 1.0. In Greene. T, McNutt. K (editors) 2012. Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring Toolbox. Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand Lettink M. & Cree A. 2007. Relative use of three types of artificial retreats by terrestrial lizards in a grazed coastal shrubland, New Zealand. Applied Herpetology, 4, 227-243. Maesk, F.; Ussher, G., Kessels, G.; Christensens, M.; Brown, M. 2018. Biodiverstiy Offsetting under the Resource Management Act. A guidance document. Prepared for the Biodiversity Working Group. Local Government New Zealand, Wellington. MPI, 2018, Myrtle rust update, July 2018. www. Accessed 5 October 2021. O’Donnell, C.F.J. & Sedgeley, J.A. 1994. An automatic monitoring system for recording bat activity. Department of Conservation Technical Series no. 5. Department of Conservation, Wellington. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 41: 43-61. O’Donnell, CFJ; Borkin, KM.; Christie, B.; Lloyd, B.; Parsons, S.; and Hitchmough, RA 2018. Conservation status of New Zealand bats, 2017. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 21. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 4p. Robertson, HA; Baird, KA; Elliot, GP; Hitchmough, RA; McArthur, NJ; Makan, TD; Miskelly, CM; O’Donnell, CFJ; Sagar, PM; Scofield, RP; Taylor, GA; Michel, P. 2021. Conservation Status of birds in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2021. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 36. Department of Conservation, Wellington, 43p. Roper-Lindsay, J.; Fuller, SA.; Hooson, S.; Sanders, MD.; Ussher, GT. 2018. Ecological Impact Assessment. EIANZ guidelines for use in New Zealand: terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. 2nd edition. Rose, A. 2012. Introduction to vegetation monitoring. Wellington. Singers, N.; Rogers, G. 2014. A classification of New Zealand’s terrestrial ecosystems. Science for Conservation 325. Department of Conservation, New Zealand. Wellington. Smith, D., Borkin, K., Jones, C., Lindberg, A., Davies, F., & Eccles, G. 2017. Effects of land transport activities on New Zealand’s endemic bat populations: reviews of ecological and regulatory literature (No. 623). Singers, N.; Rogers, G. 2014. A classification of New Zealand’s terrestrial ecosystems. Science for Conservation 325. Department of Conservation, New Zealand. Wellington.