Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 70 of a consented activity) that is within a stream, river, lake, groundwater system, wetland, intertidal mudflat or estuary, or any other part of the coastal marine area and their margins, that is critical to the self-sustainability of an indigenous species within a catchment of the Waikato region, or within the coastal marine area. In this context “critical” means essential for a specific component of the life cycle and includes breeding and spawning grounds, juvenile nursery areas, important feeding areas and migratory and dispersal pathways of an indigenous species. This includes areas that maintain connectivity between habitats. 9 It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: • Its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and • If protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land and water use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion, sediment disturbance), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time. Not significant- vegetation is comprised of plantings or modified seral scrub with very low diversity throughout- it is not an exceptional, representative example of any recognised ecosystem type. 10 It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that forms part of an ecological sequence, that is either not common in the Waikato region or an ecological district, or is an exceptional, representative example of its type. Not significant- plantings do not provide or support any uncommon sequences or are exceptional, representative examples. 11 It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms, either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects. Not significant- plantings are not naturally occurring and have not been required as mitigation. 8.2 NORTHERN ROCK STACK We have assessed the planted vegetation and habitats within NRS and find none of those areas to trigger significance under the RPS or meet Section 6(c) of the RMA (i.e. they are not significant). Table 12 Assessment of NRS vegetation and habitats against RPS (Part B, Chapter 11A) Regional Policy Statement Criteria (Chapter 11A, Table 11-1) Assessment 1 It is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that is currently, or is recommended to be, set aside by statute or covenant or by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Ngā Whenua Rāhui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, specifically for the protection of biodiversity, and meets at least one of criteria 3-11. Not significant- Not currently or recommended to be set aside by statute or covenant specifically for the protection of biodiversity. 2 In the Coastal Marine Area, it is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that has reduced in extent or degraded due to historic or present anthropogenic activity to a level where the ecological sustainability of the ecosystem is threatened. Not significant- Not in the Coastal Marine Area. 3 It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: • classed as threatened or at risk, or • endemic to the Waikato region, or • at the limit of their natural range. Not significant- No At Risk or Threatened species present, or species at the natural extent of their range. 4 It is indigenous vegetation, habitat or ecosystem type that is underrepresented (20% or less of its known or likely original extent remaining) in an Ecological District, or Ecological Region, or nationally. Not significant- Not significant. Vegetation is planted and / or exotic. 5 It is indigenous vegetation or habitat that is, and prior to human settlement was, nationally uncommon such as geothermal, chenier plain, or karst ecosystems, hydrothermal vents or cold seeps. Not significant- ecosystem types are exotic and / or planted. 6 It is wetland habitat for indigenous plant communities and/or indigenous fauna communities (excluding exotic rush/pasture communities) that has not been created and subsequently maintained for or in connection with: Not significant- Not wetland habitat.