Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi North Project: Assessment of Terrestrial Ecological Values & Effects 62138 WNP AEE 67 The Air Assessment concludes that there is a short-term moderate to high risk of dust, adversely affecting properties within approximately 100m of the works during dry, windy conditions. Based on this, there is a moderate to high risk of dust affecting vegetation and habitats within 100m of works areas. The risk for the remainder of the area is considered to be low. The magnitude of effect of dust on flora and fauna is considered to be negligible, providing mitigation measures set out in the Air Assessment are followed. To date, no damage to adjacent vegetation has been reported from existing mine activities as a result of air quality concerns. Dust generation is not expected to increase as a result of the WNP operation, however locations of generation will change as the development proceeds. The ecological values of areas within 100m of works range from negligible to moderate, therefore the overall level of effect from dust generation is considered to be low.